Dimiter Gantchev

Keywords: creative economy; economic growth; sustainable development; intellectual property; creative industries indicators


The article reviews the strong economic arguments, which support the new role creative industries acquire in the knowledge economy. It explains why creative industries increasingly feature as a key component in economic strategies and the concept of creativity and innovation-based growth is embraced by countries at various levels of development. The article analyzes the United Nations General Assembly resolution on creative economy for sustainable development, which marks a new level of policy commitment to this area. It reaffirms the key importance that the intellectual property system plays in monetizing creativity and its role as a major enabling factor in the creative economy ecosystem. The article reviews the system of indicators of the creative economy and arguments in favour of improved empirical research and higher synergy on the international level.

Issue: Vol. XXIV, Issue 1, 2022
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Cite as: Ganchev, D. (2022). Kreativnite industrii v ikonomikata na znanieto. Izdatel, tom XXIV, broy 1, 39–51. ISSN: 1310-4624 (Print). ISSN: 2367-9158 (Online).