STUDENT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES OF ULSIT – THE BRIGHTEST MEMORY OF UNIVERSITY LEARNING (A speech of thanks from the masters of ULSIT who were permanent participants and moderators of the forums of student scientific society of ulsit and today are leading e

Severina Georgieva, Ivo Georgiev

Keywords: І-VІІ Student scientific conferences of ULSIT (2005 – 2011): memoir presentation by participants, ХV Jubilee Student scientific conference and exhibition of ULSIT (2019): former participants – today honorary guest experts at the forum, I-st volume of Proc


The memoir presentation of І-VІІ Student scientific conferences of ULSIT (2005 – 2011) by participants in the forums, who are today active social leaders and also guest experts at the ХV Jubilee Student scientific conference and exhibition of ULSIT (2019). Revealing of the methodology of the Student Scientific Society and the phenomenon of the I-st volume of Proceedings of the Student Scientific Society (Sofia, 2008). Cultural and value assessment of the Student scientific conferences of ULSIT as a stimulator of the personal contributions by students connected to their scientific and civic virtues.

Issue: Vol. XXI, Issue 1, 2019
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Cite as: Georgieva, S., Georgiev, I. (2019). Nay-yarkiyat spomen ot obuchenieto v universiteta (blagodarstveno slovo ot imeto na magistrite na UniBIT). Izdatel, tom XXI, broy 1, 57–63. ISSN: 1310-4624 (Print). ISSN: 2367-9158 (Online).