The Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe on copyright in the digital single market is considered as a leading goal of the European Commission for harmonization of regulations in all Member States in the new digital space. Emphasis is placed on the harmonization of several exclusive rights and copyright exceptions, as well as rules that deal with issues related to the dissemination of values in the online environment and online services that store and give access to user uploaded content. Attention is drawn to the new related law introduced by the European Commission for publications in the press and publishers, which ensures that the organizational and economic contribution of newspaper and magazine publishers is recognized and stimulated in EU legislation, similar to other creative sectors. In conclusion, the important role of the press in the creation of quality journalistic content, which is key to access to knowledge of citizens in democratic societies, is highlighted. This is a real application of the modernization of European Union (EU) rules for the benefit of consumers during the transition to the digital age. Europe’s economy, industry and society are taking full advantage of the new digital age. The new realities of increasing access to works online have forced copyright regulations to be updated. Thus, the Directive outlines a long-term vision for the modernization of EU rules and their harmonious application for the benefit of consumers.
Cite as: ZDRAVKOVA, E., 2019. Predizvikatelstva pred intelektualnata sobstvenost v novite medii na praga na edinnia tsifrov pazar. Izdatel, vol. XXI, № 2, 18–28. ISSN: 1310-4624 (Print). ISSN: 2367-9158 (Online).