
Publisher is a scholarly journal that focuses on historical, theoretical, and practical issues in the fields of written communication, publishing processes, and library and information science. It covers topics related to the historical, theoretical, and practical aspects of book studies, book history, library history, and bibliography.

The Publisher only considers manuscripts that fall within its thematic scope and are formatted according to the provided guidelines. The journal’s main thematic sections include Editorial; Practice and Experience; Book History; New Approaches and Innovations; Reviews and Annotations; Letters to the Editor. The Publisher is published twice a year, in July and December.

Authors’ note

By submitting a manuscript or illustration to the editors of the Publisher, the author agrees to assign the Journal the rights of announcement, publication, and distribution. Manuscripts that have already been published, are being prepared for publication, or have been submitted to another publication will not be considered. Before publication, the journal reserves the right to request a written declaration from the author regarding the originality of the text and the described results. The manuscript must not be currently proposed for publication or have been published in another journal. Submitted articles should present original research results and ideas.

Authors and their affiliated organizations neither receive any payment nor are required to pay any charges or fees to the journal for publishing their work. Upon acceptance, authors will receive a written acknowledgment within six months of submission. If no response is received within six months, the manuscript is considered rejected and may be submitted to another journal. Submissions that are not accepted for publication will not be edited. Correspondence concerning these submissions will be closed.

Non-compliance with these guidelines or the ethical principles for the publication of scholarly texts will be considered non-cooperation between the author and the publication in the future.

Peer review process

Upon receiving the manuscript, it undergoes a procedure to ensure thematic and technical compliance with the journal’s requirements. Following acceptance, the manuscript is evaluated by two anonymous independent reviewers and checked for plagiarism. A decision to publish or reject the manuscript is made based on the reviewers’ recommendations and the plagiarism check. If there is a disagreement between the two reviewers’ assessments, the manuscript will be submitted to a third independent reviewer for arbitration. The journal reserves the right to reject a manuscript if the level of similarity exceeds 10% after verification. The decision to publish a manuscript is based on the reviewers’ recommendations and does not necessarily indicate editorial agreement with the author’s ideas. The editors reserve the right to edit the manuscript in case of factual, methodological, or technical errors. Any alterations to the text are being approved by the author before publication.


The journal Publisher operates as an open-access publication under the Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. The text can be used freely for non-commercial purposes with attribution to the author. Authors are encouraged to promote and disseminate their work on authorized academic open-access science platforms.

Manuscript publishing

General Guidance

The manuscripts are formatted using a standard word processing program. Appendices, such as graphs, tables, or illustrations, should be easily readable and processable with commonly used programs.

It is discouraged to:

– include detailed expositions of generally known theoretical propositions or to refer to literature not used in the text.

– Self-citations should be included in the ‘Notes’ section rather than in the literature cited.

Manuscripts and illustrations should be submitted electronically as an attachment to the accompanying letter, sent to or on disk to the following address for correspondence: 119 Tsarigradsko Shose, Sofia 1517, Bulgaria, Room 201, for the journal Publisher.

The file name should contain the following elements:

The title’s first three words, the journal’s title, and the year.

Authors should submit manuscripts in either Bulgarian or English.

The recommended length of the manuscript is up to 25,000 characters, including spaces, with no specific font or formatting requirements. Special formatting such as bulleted, tabbed, or underlined text should be avoided.

The manuscript should include the following components: title of the article; author’s name and institution (excluding academic degrees and titles); abstract and keywords; main text; acknowledgments (if applicable); appendices (if applicable); notes; references; author’s card with author’s academic position, affiliation, ORCID or another database ID, and e-mail (see example below). The literature must be transliterated in Latin alphabet if it includes non-Latin sources.

Tables, figures illustrations, and captions should be presented in the main text and as a separate file. If their size does not allow them to be included in the main text, their position within the text must be indicated. Tables and figures should be included in the main text and labeled as “table” 1, “fig.” 2, etc.

Literature and notes

The acknowledgments and notes should be written in the same language as the main text, either Bulgarian or English, and placed at the end of the manuscript. The notes in the article are marked with Arabic numerals as superscripts and are formatted as endnotes in a common paragraph.1 The automated footnotes option is not applied. If archival documents are cited in the paper, they should be written in their original language in the footnotes, rather than in the references.2 Internet resources should also be cited in the footnotes.3


1 Cultural Heritage Act. Bulgarian Legal Portal [online], [accessed 28.11.2023]. Available at:

2 Ministry of National Education. 02.01-23.12.1908. Orders for appointments, dismissals of teachers … . In. 177K, op. 1, a. f. 223, l. 84, TsDA, Sofia.

3 Periodicals and Literature. V. 6. Literary magazines and newspapers, mixed magazines, humorous publications (1921–1925). Available from:

References should be listed in a single paragraph in Latin if the text is in English. If there are references in non-Latin alphabets in the English text, these should be transliterated into Latin characters in the main paragraph along with the other references.

To ensure accurate transliteration following the Transliteration Law, the Slovored system can be used. It is available at

The reference list should contain scientifically valid sources available in the national and international library network and academic online repositories/resources, including online academic journals. All additional sources (websites, online interviews, videos, etc.), are located in the “Notes” section along with any relevant explanations or information related to the main text. The literary sources are presented in the following order: author, year of publication, title, city of publication, name of the publisher (printing house), and ISSN/ISBN/DOI.

The sources are described in the “References” section according to the bibliographic citation standard BDS ISO 690:2021 (Harvard System). Please refer to the attached examples:


ZAGOROV, V., 2019. Balgarskoto knigoizdavane i ruskata literatura (1918–1944). Sofiya: UI „Sv. Kliment Okhridski“, 320 p. ISBN 978-954-07-4668-5.

Citation in the main text is done in parentheses in Latin, for example: (Zagorov 2019).

Institutional publications without an editor/compiler

[DARZhAVNA pechatnitsa], 1931. Petdeset godini Darzhavna pechatnitsa, 1881–1931. Sofia: Darzhavna. pechatnitsa, 73 p.

Citation in the main text is done in parentheses in Latin, for example: ([Government] 1931, 8).


BENBASAT, A., 2010. Knizhen defitsit i filtar. Biblioteka, god. XVII, no. 5, 37–39. ISSN 0861-847H.

Citation in the main text is done in parentheses in Latin, e.g. (Benbasat 2010, 37–39).

Proceedings with editor/compiler

DARNTON, R., 2001. Kakvo e istoriyata na knigite?. V: GERGOVA, A., DASKALOVA, K. Istoria na knigata. Knigata v istoriyata. [T. 1], 41–64. Sofia: UI „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“. ISBN 954-07-1050-2.

Citations in the main text are in parentheses in Latin, for example: (Darnton 2001,41–64).

Conference articles

ENCHEVA, M., ZLATKOVA, P., 2015. Educational Innovations in the Bulgarian School and the Role of Libraries in their Implementation. In: SZŰCS, A., MAZAR, I. (Eds). EDEN Open Classroom Conference 2015: Transforming Schools into Innovative Learning Organizations, Athens, Greece, 18–21 September, 157–163. ISBN 978-615-5511-06-6. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.2847.9449.

Citation in the main text is done in brackets in Latin, for example: (Encheva, Zlatkova 2015).

Newspaper issues/articles

GRAFIChESKI vestnik, № 1, 14.10.1925.

V[ALChEV], Hr., 1926. Vechernoto pechatarsko uchilishte pri Darzhavnata pechatnitsa. Graficheski vestnik, № 8, 16.11.1926.

The citation in the main text is done in brackets in Latin, for example: (Graficheski 1925), or, if it is a specific article: (V[alchev] 1926).

Page references in Latin sources:

p. is used when citing a single page or an entire book.

pp. is used for page-to-page citations

The use of square brackets in the manuscript [] is allowed when the information in the source is incomplete and found bibliographically or is entered in the source outside the title page, for example:

Added name: V. Hr. = V[VALCHEV], Hr.

Year Added: [1956]

Latin Abbreviations:

No year of issue [s. a.]; No place of issue [s. l.]; Without place and year[s. a. l.]

Author’s card

The author’s card is attached at the end of the publication and contains the author’s name(s), institution name and address, author’s ORCID number, and email in English.


Academic position, two author names, academic degree

Institution name:

Institution address:




The author receives the reviewers’ feedback and proofreads with technical and linguistic edits and corrections before the manuscript is published. Within one week, the author should incorporate the reviewers’ comments, and return the manuscript to the editors. No significant changes to the concept of the manuscript will be tolerated during the finalization of the manuscript.


Authors will be notified by letter when the manuscript is accepted for publication. Each author will receive printed and electronic versions of the publication. Authors may use copies of the published articles for their career development and communication with other researchers.

Publisher journal materials are open access under the terms of the Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International CC BY-NC. The content may be freely used for non-commercial purposes with attribution to the author.