Alexandra Kumanova


Keywords: Elena Nährlich-Slateva (born 25.05.1941, Sofia); Western-European literature; scholar; historiographer; phenomenological sketch (2005 – 2010 – 2019); bio-bibliography (to 25 May 2019): 65 enumerated titles in German and Bulgarian languages


The presented bio-bibliography is prepared to 25 May 2019 and reflects all personal works and the publications about her – 65 enumerated titles in German and Bulgarian languages. This is the third attempt of the author of this text – to interpret bibliographically the work of a unique modern pedagogue and researcher of the Western-European literature – literary scholar and historiographer for what purpose was created the personal auto-biobibliographical base. The publication of this bio-bibliography is on the occasion of the appearance of her first study in 1969 in the journal Librarian (Bibliotekar). For subtitle of this secondary-documental work is used the term En Grand (Fr.: On a large scale), emblematic for her bio-bibliographic sketch, published in 2005 in the journal Library (Biblioteka), followed by its enlarged presentation in a monograph edition in 2010, revealing the school in the field of the informationcommunication cycle of knowledge on the cardinal UNIVERSALIZATION – SPECIALIZATION constituted with a very large international impact in the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT) – successor of the State Library Institute (SLI). The school is a result of the intentio to make a historiography and prognosis of the TRANSFORMATION in the time and space of any studied information phenomenon (І. Fact; ІІ. Primary document; ІІІ. Secondary document; ІV. Meta-system; V. Philosophic picture of relations among things) in the context of the whole paradigm of knowledge – the core of the scientific credo and teaching of Elena Nährlich-Slateva in Western-European literature for which she received an academic reception and recognition not only by scientific community in Bulgaria, but also in Germany where she live and work. The present bio-bibliography is prepared under the bibliographic editorship of Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Aleksandrova and Prof. Silvia Filipova and scientific editing of Assist. Prof. Nikolay Vasilev, PhD. The bio-bibliography is designed in the information screen of the jubilee bio-bibliographic reference books for scholars of ULSIT – SLI, carried out in a close collaboration with Assist. Prof. Nikolay Vasilev, PhD. The sketch to the bio-bibliography (2005 – 2010 – 2019) represents the phenomenological portrait of Elena Nährlich-Slateva.

Issue: Vol. XXI, Issue 1, 2019
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Cite as: Kumanova, A., 2019. Elena Nerlih-Zlateva: En Grand (V chest na 50-godishninata ot parvata ѝ publikatsia). Izdatel, vol. XXI, № 1, 12–33. ISSN: 1310-4624 (Print). ISSN: 2367-9158 (Online).