KNOWLEDGE AS A RESEARCH AND CREATION (On the followed and developed in the new information era image of the Annual of Bulgarian Bibliographic Institute)

Polina Simova

Keywords: Student scientific society at ULSIT; Bulgarian Bibliographic Institute.


Rev. of the book: Proceedings of Student scientific society at University of library science and information technologies: Т. 1 – / Ed.-in-chief S. Denchev; Eds. A. Kumanova – … [et al.]; Comp. A. Kumanova – … [et al.]; Sci. ed. K. Alexandrova … [et al.]; Ling. graph. ed. N. Vasilev. – Sofia: About letters – О писменехь, 2008 – Т. 13. [Thirteen] ХІІІ Student scientific conference / Gen. ling. graph. ed. N. Vasilev; Rev. I. Peteva … [et al.]. 2018. 750 p.: with ill., tables, schemes. Other rev.: I. Yankova, Zh. Stoyanov, D. Hristozov, I. Pavlova [in Bulgarian]. The periodical is interpreted as a followed and developed image in the new information era image of the Annual of Bulgarian Bibliographic Institute.

Issue: Vol. XXI, Issue 1, 2019
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Cite as: Simova, P. Poznanieto kato izsledvane i tvorchestvo (Za sledvania i razvivan v novata informatsionna era obraz na Godishnika na balgarskia bibliografski institut). Izdatel, tom XXI, broy 1, 51–56. ISSN: 1310-4624 (Print). ISSN: 2367-9158 (Online).