UNIQUE UNIVERSAL FOUR BOOKS ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND THE ROAD OF THE AUTHOR– HUMANITARIAN “Selected Works” of Academician Leonid Djakhaia (To the problem of the philosophical picture of the world and the polyphony in its interpretation in the information syst

Alexandra Kumanova, Nikolay Vasilev

Keywords: cognition theories; classification of sciences; rational – intuitional – logical – figurative thinking; Djakhaia, Leonid Grigorievich. Selected works in 4 vol. Tbilisi: Universal, 2013–2015 (review).


The Four books of the “Selected works” (2013–2015) by the Georgian philosopher, specialist in cognition theory science of science and cosmology, academician, professor, doctor of philosophical sciences Leonid Djakhaia (born on 13 september 1932 in Sukhumi – Abkhazia, Georgia) is represented in the framework of the cosmogonical concept of the universe. Philosophicalinformation picture of the world at the end of ХХ century in the scientist’s mind is revealed as a pertaining to the multitude of concepts and theories in the field – polyphony of voices in the universal knowledge: А. Einstein, J.-P. Sartre, P. K. Feyerabend, I. Prigojin. As a logical and natural continuation of Vol. 1 – “Scientific Research” of “Selected Works” of the scholar are rationalized the other three volumes of the Four books: vol. 2 – “Articles and Reviews”; vol. 3 – “Lyrical Retreats”; vol. 4 – “Unfinished Memoirs”. The Four books are assessed as a contribution to the universal humanitaristics – open laboratory – mental instruments on the study of the rational – intuitional – logical – figurative thinking as a unity of the variety in the features of Theseus in 21st century.

Issue: Vol. XXI, Issue 2, 2019
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Cite as: Kumanova, A., Vasilev, N. (2019). Unikalno universalno chetiriknizhie za poznanieto i patya na tvoretsa – humanist. ,,Izbrani proizvedenia“ na akademik Leonid Dzhahaya. Izdatel, tom XXI, broy 2, 50–55. ISSN: 1310-4624 (Print). ISSN: 2367-9158 (Online).